Manuel Screen Printing LLC is a customer service focused screen print and design shop based in Kaplan, LA. We specialize in apparel printing for businesses, non-profit organizations, schools, bands, and sports leagues. We also can help you with other promotional items including embroidered hats and polos, stickers, digital posters, cards, and much more.
We strive to serve our local Acadiana community and seek to achieve the best possible quality for each product that we produce. Over the years, Manuel Screen Printing has grown from a small, manual t-shirt shop to a fully automated screen-printing and embroidery facility. In 2013, we upgraded to automated printing equipment so that we can offer competitive pricing on large orders and unparalleled printing quality. Our focus with our industry-leading equipment is to offer the highest quality printed products at the lowest prices in town.
Everything that we print is done with love and care in our printing shop, located on Cushing Avenue in Kaplan. There are a lot of options in the world of printing and there is no shortage of printers that produce quality work, but when it comes to producing quality work and delivering top-notch customer service and satisfaction – there is no place better than us.
Let us Prove to you why...
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